Criminal Law Defense

Having the right lawyer is key when facing criminal charges. Our team knows the ins and outs of the law. We focus on ways to defend, such as self-defence, consent, duress, and insanity.1

We understand these defences fully. This knowledge helps us protect our clients. UK law allows these defences, which can lower a defendant’s blame.1 Our attorneys have deep experience in each defence, aiming to secure our clients’ rights.

Self-defence means using necessary force against a threat. It must match the danger and show the defendant thought they were in serious danger. Consent happens when the other party agrees freely, and the defendant thought the consent was real.1

Duress involves a real threat of severe harm, where the action is as expected. For insanity, proof of a mental issue in the past is needed, along with not knowing the act was wrong.

Dealing with these defences and their proof can be hard. Our experts are here to help, offering top-notch solutions. We aim to protect your rights and get the best result.1

Key Takeaways

  • The UK criminal law system recognizes various general defences, including self-defence, consent, duress, and insanity.
  • Understanding the nuances of these defences and the burden of proof required for each is crucial for effective criminal law defense.
  • Our firm’s team of seasoned criminal defence attorneys is well-versed in developing tailored strategies to protect our clients’ rights and interests.
  • We offer comprehensive, high-end solutions to navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system and achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • Choosing the right criminal law defense firm is critical when facing any type of criminal charges.

The Importance of Expert Legal Representation


Being accused of a crime is very serious. It can harm your life and work greatly.2 Studies say having a good lawyer for criminal charges really helps.3 The American Bar Association found people with lawyers in court are much more likely to win.

Facing Criminal Charges: A High-Stakes Situation

If you’re found guilty of a crime, it can lead to fines, jail, and a criminal record. Your reputation and opportunities for the future may also suffer.3 A survey from LegalShield says most people find dealing with legal issues alone very stressful.

The Consequences of a Criminal Conviction

Being convicted of a crime has many negative results. You could face fines, jail, and have a permanent record. This could affect your jobs and personal life in the future.4 Having a skilled lawyer is key to get the best result possible.

Why Choosing the Right Legal Team Matters

2 Nearly 85% of those accused of crimes think their lawyer’s skill and knowledge are critical.3 The Harvard Law Review shows hiring a lawyer for a plea deal greatly improves chances of a good result.

4 Criminal defense lawyers specialize in cases like these and understand criminal law’s details.4 They help make a strong defense plan, which is vital to winning in court.

2 Studies show skilled lawyers are good at negotiating, often leading to better results.2 People with lawyers at trial do better, facing fewer consequences than those without them.

Our Firm’s Commitment to Excellence

Our criminal defense firm is dedicated to top-quality legal help for our clients. We have a strong history of winning criminal cases. This shows our commitment to excellence.5

A Track Record of Success


We’re seen as leaders in criminal law and have top rankings in the area of Crime by Chambers and Partners and Legal 500. Our attorneys have over 40 years of experience together.5 We’ve helped thousands of clients win against various criminal charges.5

Our success comes from working together on cases. We have skilled lawyers, experienced legal assistants, and hardworking investigators. They all focus on protecting our clients’ rights and interests.5

Personalized Attention and Discretion

Every client and case is different. This is why we personalize our legal solutions. It helps us meet the unique needs and challenges of each case.6

Discretion is crucial for us in criminal defense matters. We promise to keep everything private. This gives our clients peace of mind during their legal challenges.6

criminal defense attorneys

No matter the criminal charge, our firm stands ready to help. We fight hard to safeguard your rights and seek the best outcome for you.6

Criminal Law Defense: Our Areas of Expertise

Our team at Kingsley Napley knows a lot about defending in court. We work on cases like violent crimes, felony charges, and financial offenses. We also help with white-collar crimes and DUI issues. Our lawyers are great at understanding and working with the criminal justice system. We fight hard to get the best results for our clients.

Violent Crimes and Felony Charges

If you’re accused of a violent crime or facing felony charges, you need a strong defense. Our team has helped many clients with these serious charges. From assault to robbery, we tackle all types of cases. We make sure your rights are protected and fight to lessen the consequences you face.7

White-Collar Crimes and Financial Offenses


Crimes like fraud and embezzlement can harm your reputation and legal standing. Our lawyers are experts in these areas. They handle cases involving money laundering and more. We craft solid defense strategies thanks to our deep understanding of financial laws and investigative methods.8

DUI and Driving-Related Offenses

DUIs and other offenses can severely affect you. Our attorneys are well-versed in the laws surrounding these charges. They aim to reduce the consequences and protect your legal rights. We look at all defense angles, from disputing evidence to negotiating for lesser charges or sentences.8

No matter the charge, Kingsley Napley is here to lend a hand. We offer top-notch legal help to secure the best results for our clients. Reach out to us today to find out more about how we can support you.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Criminal Cases

At Kingsley Napley, we thoroughly handle criminal cases. We focus on detailed case preparation and using smart defense strategies. Our skilled lawyers check every part of the case to find any flaws in the prosecution’s case. Then, we build the best defense plan.9

Meticulous Case Preparation

Success in defending criminal cases relies on how well we prepare. Our lawyers spend a lot of time and effort to look into the case, collect evidence, and understand the law. This careful work means we’re ready to give a strong defense for our clients.9

Strategic Defense Tactics

Developing a winning defense strategy is key for us. Our team creates plans suited to each case’s unique situation. With our vast experience and in-depth knowledge of the law, we aim for the best results for our clients.9

Collaboration with Experts and Specialists

Sometimes, we work with experts and specialists to strengthen our defense. This might involve forensic experts, investigators, or other professionals. They can provide important insights and evidence to help our client’s case. By using various experts, we make sure our defense is strong and full.9

case preparation

Protecting Your Rights and Reputation

Facing criminal investigations or charges demands careful protection of your rights and reputation. At Kingsley Napley, we ensure your interests are shielded. We tackle these challenges with a thorough strategy, knowing how crucial it is to safeguard your well-being.



Safeguarding Your Privacy and Confidentiality

Dealing with criminal matters is deeply personal and sensitive. Our team at Kingsley Napley is committed to keeping your case private and confidential. We put every effort to protect your private data. This keeps you away from unwanted spotlights, helping in preserving your reputation.


Managing Media and Public Relations

In today’s world, digital media has a huge impact on public perception about legal cases. Kingsley Napley offers expertise not just in courtroom defense but also in media and public relations management. We create a communication strategy to counteract negative press. This way, we help in safeguarding your image from harm.

12criminal law defense

Post-Conviction Relief and Expungement Services

At Kingsley Napley, we care deeply about helping even after a trial ends. Our team supports you through post-conviction and expungement. We’re here for you past the courtroom.

Want to clean your criminal record? Our experts will lead you through the tough expungement steps. In California, getting an expungement can cost up to $400 in court fees. But, the price can be different, based on where you file.13 Our fees start at $400, but can go up to $4,000 for complex cases. Don’t worry if you can’t pay the court fee. We’ll help you apply for a waiver13.

To expunge a misdemeanor in California, you’ll need your criminal record and to file the right form. You must let the court where you were convicted know, and tell the prosecutor too.13 We’ll walk you through each step, looking out for your best interests.

We not only help with expungements but also with post-conviction issues. This includes probation and parole. In California, probation can last from one to ten years. It can be either summary (less strict) or formal (more strict). With formal probation, you must check in monthly with a probation officer.13 We’re ready to stand up for you and guide you to the best possible result.

At Kingsley Napley, making sure you get the support you need is our top priority. We dedicate ourselves to offering a full range of criminal law defense. This includes help with post-conviction issues and clearing your record. Our skilled lawyers are by your side to help you through these legal matters to reach a positive solution.14

post-conviction relief

Criminal Law Defense for High-Profile Individuals

At Kingsley Napley, we specialize in defending high-profile individuals in criminal cases. Our clients come from various fields, like government, sports, and entertainment.15 We understand the unique challenges these cases bring. Our priority is to handle them with top-tier discretion and professionalism.15

Discreet Handling of Sensitive Cases


Discretion and confidentiality are crucial when we represent our clients. Our team is skilled at managing cases that are very sensitive. These include honor crimes, where witnesses can be under a lot of stress.16 We go above and beyond to protect our clients’ privacy and peace of mind.

Mitigating Reputational Damage

Regarding your reputation, we know that a criminal charge can be damaging. Kingsley Napley is known for protecting clients’ reputations during legal battles, especially in the media and sports industries.15 We’re here to ensure your public image is safeguarded throughout the case.

Our criminal defense team, which has won awards, is ready to handle any case with the care it deserves.17 We have an impressive history of successful legal help. This shows our clients they’re in good hands with us.17

Our Team of Seasoned Criminal Defense Attorneys

At Kingsley Napley, our team of criminal defense attorneys is top-notch. They have a lot of experience in court. These lawyers have spent years defending their clients in different criminal cases. They range from serious violent crimes to driving offenses.18

Extensive Courtroom Experience

Our lawyers are known for their success in court. They tackle tough criminal cases with great care and smart strategies. They know the law well and can handle difficult situations. Thanks to their deep knowledge, they can provide the best defense.18

Commitment to Client Success

Our commitment is to get the best results for our clients. We know how serious criminal charges are. The results could badly impact a person’s life. That’s why we work hard to defend our clients and fight for the best outcomes.1819

No matter what your case involves, we’re here to help. Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys offers top-notch legal support. We bring our rich courtroom experience and a strong will for our clients’ success. Let us guide you through the legal process to reach a favorable solution for your case.

Why Choose Our Firm for Your Criminal Law Defense Needs?

When you’re in legal trouble, having the best defense can change your case’s outcome. Kingsley Napley is a top choice for those needing great criminal defense20. Our team’s deep knowledge21 and vast resources ensure you get tailored support for any legal issue.

Unparalleled Expertise and Resources

Our experienced criminal defense lawyers have a solid history of winning cases21. They’ve handled everything from serious felonies to driving offenses22. They know the legal system well and have the tools to manage tough situations effectively.

Personalized Strategies for Optimal Outcomes

At Kingsley Napley, we understand each case is different. So, we create custom plans for every client21. This could include negotiating, seeking better deals, or fighting hard in court to protect your rights. We’re all about winning the best results for you.

Choosing Kingsley Napley means you’re working with a team that’s committed to you. We care about safeguarding your rights, your image, and your life ahead20. With our unmatched skill, wide resources, and personalized service, we’re your reliable choice in the complex criminal law scene.

Client Testimonials and Success Stories

At Kingsley Napley, we take criminal law defense seriously and it shows in our client testimonials and success stories. Our experienced lawyers consistently achieve great results for a variety of criminal charges.

One client said, “Kingsley Napley’s team gave me top-notch legal defense. Thanks to their sharp strategy, all charges were dropped. Now I can look to the future with hope.”23

Another client was impressed by our privacy protection, saying, “My case was handled with care and privacy by Kingsley Napley. They kept my reputation intact during the whole affair.”24

Successful Outcomes Client Testimonials
  • Post-conviction vacatur of all convictions leading to a plea bargain and release in 202023
  • Dismissal of a felony drug crime case with the real perpetrator prosecuted instead23
  • Dismissal of DUI charges before trial23
  • Successful challenge and removal from the sex offender registry23
  • Proven innocent in a college disciplinary proceeding for first-degree rape23
  • Dismissal of strangulation charges pre-trial23
  • Dismissal of a felony Assault IV case due to video evidence23
  • Vacatur of a kidnapping plea on constitutional grounds, preventing deportation23
  • Reversal of a child sodomy conviction and new trial ordered23
  • Dismissal of a sex abuse charge by the appellate court due to lack of proof23
  • Negotiation of a resolution without a sex offense plea for online sexual corruption of a child23

“The team at Kingsley Napley provided me with exceptional legal representation throughout my case. Their attention to detail and strategic approach led to the dismissal of all charges, allowing me to move forward with my life.”

“Kingsley Napley’s handling of my case was discreet and professional, protecting my reputation and privacy throughout the process.”

Clients praise our firm’s expertise, discretion, and successful outcomes.

Our lawyers, like Anna P. Sammons, are experts in difficult criminal defense cases. This includes appeals of sex offenses and matters concerning sex offender registration.23 They always focus on what’s best for their clients, which has led to numerous success stories.

Are you dealing with criminal law defense issues or want to clear your record? Kingsley Napley’s team is ready to give you top-tier legal support and focused attention. Reach out to us now for a consultation on how we can help with your case.


Choosing the right criminal law defense firm is essential when you’re accused of a crime in the UK. A criminal conviction can seriously impact your life. It’s crucial to have top legal support for the best results.9

Kingsley Napley is a top pick if you’re looking for outstanding legal help. They have a strong history of winning cases. Their team includes experienced lawyers who tailor their approach to your specific needs. This ensures you get the representation you deserve.25

No matter the charge, from violent crimes to driving offenses, our firm is ready. We’ll put together a strong defense for you. This might involve working with other experts. Our goal is to achieve the best outcome in your case.26

At Kingsley Napley, we know how serious criminal charges are. We’ll stand by you through every step of the legal process. Our aim is to protect your rights and reputation. You can trust us to work for the best possible result in your case.


What types of criminal defences are covered in the guide “Defences in Criminal Law: Self-Defence, Consent, Insanity”?

The guide talks about several defenses in criminal law. It focuses on self-defense, consent, duress, and insanity. These defenses can clear or lessen someone’s guilt. It also explains the importance of knowing the proof needed for these defenses.

Why is choosing the right criminal law defence firm critical when facing criminal charges?

Facing criminal charges is serious. It can harm your personal and work life. A conviction leads to fines, jail, and a lasting criminal record. Picking a good defense firm helps protect your rights. It increases the chance for a good result.

What makes Kingsley Napley stand out as a leading criminal defence firm in the UK?

Kingsley Napley excels in criminal defense with a strong history of success. It’s top-ranked for its work by Chambers and Partners, and Legal 500. The firm’s team has lots of experience with various criminal cases. They prepare cases well and use smart defense strategies.

What types of criminal cases does Kingsley Napley’s criminal defence team handle?

Kingsley Napley’s team deals with many criminal cases. This includes violent crimes, white-collar crimes, and traffic offenses. They look closely at every aspect to find weak spots in the prosecution’s case.

How does Kingsley Napley’s approach to criminal cases differ from other firms?

Their approach is detailed and strategic. They thoroughly prepare their cases and find ways to defend their clients effectively. This includes looking for flaws in the other side’s argument.

How does Kingsley Napley protect its clients’ rights and reputation when facing criminal charges?

Protecting clients’ rights and reputation is top priority for Kingsley Napley. They guard their clients’ interests from start to finish, providing help even after a trial. This includes services to expunge criminal records.

How does Kingsley Napley handle criminal cases involving high-profile individuals?

The firm is skilled in defending high-profile clients, keeping their cases private and professional. They understand the specific challenges these cases bring.

What credentials and experience do the criminal defence attorneys at Kingsley Napley possess?

Kingsley Napley’s team is made up of experienced lawyers. They have spent many years in the courtroom, handling a variety of criminal cases.

Why should I choose Kingsley Napley for my criminal law defence needs?

Choosing a strong defense firm is key when you’re facing charges. Kingsley Napley is known for excellent defense and delivering good outcomes. Many clients praise their work, showing their success.

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