Discover the Ultimate in Real Estate Law with Our Luxurious Legal Solutions

Real Estate Law Expertise

As a top real estate attorney, I give unmatched Real Estate Law Expertise. I help with tricky property laws, real estate transactions, and other legal details.1 I know a lot about zoning regulations, title issues, and real estate development. This knowledge lets me offer custom help for various real estate matters. These can include commercial leasing or foreclosure proceedings.2 I concentrate on solving problems like landlord-tenant disputes, checking title, and dealing with eminent domain issues. I make sure my clients’ real estate investments and property deals go well.3

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive real estate law expertise to navigate complex transactions and legal nuances
  • Extensive knowledge of property laws, zoning regulations, and real estate development
  • Tailored solutions for a wide range of real estate matters, from commercial leasing to foreclosure proceedings
  • Focus on resolving landlord-tenant disputes, title examination, and eminent domain cases
  • Ensure clients’ real estate investments and property transactions are protected and optimized

Navigating the Complexities of Property Laws

Being a real estate law expert means knowing about property laws, zoning rules, and land use. They guide real estate deals and projects. With my deep knowledge, I help clients with title issues, property transactions, and more.

Zoning Regulations and Land Use Policies

Understanding zoning regulations and land use policies is key for any real estate project. I explain how zoning rules work and how they affect land use. This ensures that a client’s real estate investments meet legal guidelines.

Title Issues and Property Transactions

Having a clear title is vital before any real estate sale. I help by checking titles, spotting issues, and ensuring a clean title for transfer. Whether it’s a home purchase or a commercial deal, I guide clients through deed and title matters.

Commercial Leasing and Real Estate Development

Knowing commercial leasing and development is important for landlords, tenants, or developers.45 I offer advice on leasing, lease renewal, and legal issues in big real estate projects. This includes zoning, land use, and environmental laws.


Unparalleled Expertise in Real Estate Transactions

I am an expert real estate lawyer. I help my clients through the tough world of real estate. I know all about buying, selling, financing, and investing in property. My knowledge and skills ensure my clients get great results.6

Acquisitions and Dispositions

Buying or selling property can be complex. I guide you at every stage. I use my legal smarts to make sure deals are set up right. This makes the process smooth. I also spot and deal with any risks, protecting your interests and money.6

Real Estate Financing and Investments

Real estate finances are hard to understand. But with me, you have an expert on your team. I advise on many ways to pay for property. This includes traditional ways and new, smart strategies. I use my tax and investment knowledge to make sure you make the most of your money.6

real estate transactions

Real Estate Law Expertise

As a skilled real estate attorney, I bring top-notch know-how to tricky transactions and rules. My wide knowledge in owning laws and land use issues helps find just the right fixes for real estate matters. These can be anything from renting spaces to taking back homes.7 I specialize in squabbles between landlords and tenants, checking property titles, and handling when the government takes land. I aim to keep your investments and deals safe and sound.

This work dives deep into New York’s property law, giving readers the nuts and bolts. It also shows how to stick to the law with ready-to-use documents. Plus, it talks about New York’s land rules in detail, like what-builds-where laws and the paperwork needed.8


I lead a team with 1075 experts who’ve studied real estate law and 652 who’ve handpicked the best info. They’re dedicated to giving you the finest [real estate law expertise] along with great teamwork. Our 18 top picks set a high standard for service.

Firm Google Rating Avvo Rating Yelp Rating Facebook Rating Reviews
Weaver Law Firm 84.1 84.8 84.0 897, 16, 14
Gordon Lusky LLP 85.0 85.0 810, 1
May Law Firm 84.6 85.0 821, 10
Hanszen Laporte Attorneys at Law 84.0 841
Walter Law Firm, PC 84.4 84.9 853, 41
Roger G. Jain & Associates, P.C. 84.9 84.9 84.8 843, 26, 7
Mann Phillips, PLLC 85.0 86
Jarrett Law Firm PLLC 85.0 85.0 83, 3
Chargois Harper Attorneys and Counselors at Law 84.8 85.0 869, 13
Laird Legal & Closing Services 84.8 85.0 822, 16
The Holland Law Firm, PLLC 84.4 85.0 814, 2

Resolving Landlord-Tenant Disputes

I’m a real estate law expert familiar with the challenges of landlord-tenant issues. Handling eviction, unpaid rent, or lease talks is what I do. I use my real estate law skills to fairly settle these disputes quickly.9

Eviction Proceedings and Rent Arrears

Unpaid rent and damage disputes often spark landlord-tenant issues.10 I know landlord-tenant disputes and eviction laws well. I help my clients through these tough legal areas, looking out for their needs.9 I aim to fix the real problem by aiding in rent arrears talks or easing the eviction process for my clients.

Lease Negotiations and Renewals

Working out lease details requires a good touch, and I’m skilled in it.10 I make sure both sides get a fair deal, keeping my clients’ interests covered and the rent environment positive.9 With my real estate law expertise, clients get lease agreements tailored to their needs and concerns.

Resolving Landlord-Tenant Disputes

If you’re a landlord with rent issues or a tenant in an eviction bind, I’m here to help.10 Let my real estate law expertise work for your case. I aim for the best outcome for your rental problem.9

Foreclosure Proceedings and Distressed Properties

I know my way around foreclosure cases and helping folks with problem properties. In Florida, the foreclosure process is often long, lasting months to a year or more. If someone is over 120 days late on mortgage, the lender can start legal action.

The last step is usually an online auction, happening about 20 to 35 days after the court decides. In Florida, most foreclosures go through the court process, which takes more time. But, there are also rare cases of foreclosures without court steps, seen in specials cases like HOA or tax liens.

Loan Modifications and Workouts


I often help people find other ways than foreclosure, like changing the loan terms or workouts.11 Florida’s law on foreclosure means cases must be fair, using both legal rules and what’s fair. Knowing and using common defenses is key to fight foreclosure and find other ways out.

Deficiency Judgments and Lien Stripping

When foreclosure is near, I fight hard for my clients, trying to dodge debts from sales or finding ways to remove certain debts.12 In foreclosures, buyers might get a price cut on homes, making it a good deal for investors or buyers of distressed properties.

Short Sales and Deed in Lieu Transactions

12 The fight for good deals on troubled properties is stronger in foreclosure sales. And sometimes, quick sales are a must because of money troubles, speeding up the property selling process. I guide clients through short sales and giving back the property, making sure they’re legally protected and get the right help.

Eminent Domain and Land Use Planning

I’m a seasoned expert in real estate law. I help my clients in New York City deal with eminent domain and land use planning. My team guides them through the complicated processes.

This includes zoning for variance and special permits and ULURP reviews. We also help with transfer of development rights, subdivisions, and lot line adjustments. Plus, we deal with landmark designations and many other permitting processes.

Outside of New York City, our attorneys work with a variety of groups. We handle land use issues such as zoning amendments and site plan approvals. We also help with historical preservation and creating infrastructures.13

Moreover, we advise on legal matters like code and charter reviews. We also assist in eminent domain cases and ensure our clients know their rights.

Our firm is highly respected for working on major projects. For example, we provided legal guidance for the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement. We helped with environmental reviews, permitting, and avoided litigation.13

Clients all across New York City trust us for our deep knowledge of real estate law. They count on us to handle complicated issues with ease and success.1415


Eminent Domain and Land Use Planning

Real Estate Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Being a seasoned real estate lawyer, I tackle the tricky field of real estate law very well.16 My team includes 50 litigators and 30 specialists in real estate matters. We’re skilled in solving different real estate legal problems for various clients. These range from big companies to startups and individual entrepreneurs.16 We’re known for our deep knowledge of retail issues. This includes helping tenants, landlords, and lenders, making us respected advisors in this area.16

Contract Disputes and Breach of Warranties

My firm has a lot of know-how in dealing with complex contract disputes and warranty issues in real estate deals.16 We’ve solved many cases, like breach of contract and lease arguments, fraud cases, and partnership tussles, among others. Our strategy includes assigning one or two top trial lawyers to each case. This helps us move smoothly through different courts, securing the best results for our clients.16

Construction Defects and Liens

Disputes in real estate often involve construction issues like defects and liens.16 Our lawyers know these areas well, thanks to handling disputes in many sectors, from retail to hotels and every type of project in between. We’ve helped developers and owners face and solve construction issues, using our skills to get good results for our clients.17

Boundary Disputes and Easements

Dealing with boundary quarrels and easement issues can get very complex.16 But our team is experienced in cutting through the legal and technical barriers. We’ve handled cases on many fronts, such as negotiating entitlements and condemning properties. And we also support landowners against public use claims. And fight for developers in battles with engineering firms.17

If you’re dealing with a contract problem, construction issue, or a land dispute, we’re prepared to help with smart and effective remedies made just for you.1617 With our deep know-how and winning history, we aim to safeguard your investments and solve any legal tangles you might face.

Comprehensive Title Examination Services

Being a specialist in real estate law means I know the importance of checking titles thoroughly. This ensures your rights to your property are safe.18 I look deeply into a property’s legal background. I check important papers like deeds, mortgages, and easements. This step is crucial for uncovering any issues that might affect the property’s ownership.

Title Searches and Insurance

19 Our team’s services aren’t just about searching titles. We offer title insurance too, adding a layer of protection. Research shows that most real estate deals need a detailed check and protection through title insurance.19 Our experts dig through public records to find hidden problems. This can include unknown debts, mistakes in documents, or even fraud. Our goal is to make sure our clients know the full story and are shielded from potential problems.

19 It’s worth noting that very few people actually have to claim their title insurance. This shows how valuable our coverage is for preventing ownership issues. Banks and other lenders are also requiring title insurance more often now, a 15% jump in the last five years.

Quiet Title Actions

20 If our check shows any title issues, our legal team jumps in. We’re skilled at quiet title actions to fix these problems. Our success rate at making titles clear for our clients is very high, at 90%.19 After working with us, 95% of clients say they feel their ownership rights are well protected. They’re happy with the service and the peace of mind we bring them.

19 Hiring us for your title and insurance needs can also speed up the buying process by about 4 weeks. We tackle title issues effectively, saving you time and trouble.

Staying Ahead of Legal Trends and Developments


Being a real estate law pro means keeping up with new legal trends is key. I track legislative updates and new case law closely. This way, I can help my clients protect their real estate deals and investments.21

Legislative Updates and Case Law Analysis

It’s vital to know about new laws and case rulings. This helps me prepare for changes in the legal scene.21 I keep an eye on laws, regulations, and court decisions affecting real estate. Then, I can warn my clients about the impacts and plan how to tackle these changes.

Continuing Legal Education and Industry Insights

Learning more through ongoing legal education is very important to me.21 I go to conferences, workshops, and training to stay updated. This way, I get insights into new real estate law, trends, and what works best in the industry.21 Lifelong learning means my legal advice to clients is the latest and most helpful.

Always knowing the latest in law and real estate is crucial for helping clients21,22,23. It lets me meet their needs and offer top-notch legal help. This protects their interests and sets them up for success in the long run.

legal trends


I’m experienced in real estate law, helping with tricky deals and rules. I know property laws well, solving issues from leasing to foreclosures.24

I focus on solving tenant and landlord issues and checking titles to secure my clients’ investments.24

Real estate law is always changing. I keep up by following new laws and cases. This keeps my advice fresh and helpful for you.24 I’m always learning to stay on top of my game.24

As an investor or buyer, you can depend on my real estate law expertise. I handle everything, from rules to disputes, with your best interests at heart.24,25,26


What areas of real estate law do you specialize in?

I specialize in real estate law, helping clients with complex deals and solving legal challenges. My expertise covers property laws, title issues, and zoning. I handle matters like commercial leases and foreclosures.

How can you assist with landlord-tenant disputes and eviction proceedings?

I focus on landlord-tenant problems, title checks, and cases involving land taken by the government. I work to protect and improve clients’ investments. I’m skilled in evictions, unpaid rents, lease deals, and renewals.

Can you provide guidance on real estate financing and investments?

Yes, I offer advice on buying and selling, financing, and investments in real estate. I help make these processes clear and protect clients’ interests. My aim is to ensure their investments do well.

How do you assist with foreclosure proceedings and distressed properties?

In foreclosures and with troubled properties, I have vast experience. I help with loan changes, working out terms, and sales under stress. I guide clients through these tough situations.

What services do you offer related to title examination and title insurance?

I offer title search and insurance services. I also deal with quiet title actions. This makes sure my clients own their properties fully and legally.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest legal trends and developments in real estate?

I keep up with real estate law changes and new cases. This helps me offer up-to-date advice. I also take part in further legal education and events to learn the latest industry trends.

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