Discover Unmatched Quality in Pet Health and Wellness Tips with High-End Guidance

Pet Health and Wellness Tips

At Mars Petcare, we aim to make A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS. We offer top-notch veterinary care and nutrition. Our team, including 100,000 Petcare Associates1, aids pets in over 130 countries.

For years, we’ve backed studies on the bond between people and their pets. The Waltham Petcare Science Institute is a hub for discovering new things in pet health and wellness. This includes things like pet grooming, pet nutrition, and pet dental care.

Being part of Mars, Incorporated, we blend our pet mission with being sustainable. We want to leave a healthy planet for pets. To do this, we put sustainability at the core of our operations. Plus, we introduce new, eco-friendly options for pet owners worldwide.

Key Takeaways

  • Mars Petcare’s purpose is to create a better world for pets through comprehensive veterinary care, nutrition, and innovative programs.
  • The Waltham Petcare Science Institute conducts research to advance pet health and wellness.
  • Mars is committed to sustainability, integrating it into their business and offering sustainable choices for pet owners.
  • The company has a global presence, with 100,000 Petcare Associates helping pets in over 130 countries.
  • Mars Petcare offers a wide range of pet health and wellness tips, covering areas like grooming, nutrition, dental care, and more.

Empowering Pet Owners with Comprehensive Veterinary Care

At Mars Veterinary Health, we’re a team of 70,000 pet-loving experts. We are devoted to offering top-notch care to over 35 million pets a year, in 3,000 clinics globally.1 Our care method includes all aspects of pet health. This ranges from general to emergency services. Our goal is to ensure every pet gets the care they deserve.

Preventive and Basic Health Care

Our Hampton Park location is outfitted with the latest in diagnostic tools. This includes digital radiography and ultrasound,2 for spotting health issues early. We conduct in-depth wellness checks, providing vital services like vaccines and dental care,2 to keep pets in top shape.

Specialized Care and Advanced Diagnostics


Some pets need special care, and our skilled surgeons are ready. They use the most modern techniques for successful operations,2 and our emergency team is there day or night. We use cutting-edge tools like X-rays and ultrasounds to pinpoint and treat many health issues precisely.2

Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, and Dietary Advice

In Europe, AniCura provides top-notch one-stop pet medical care. They offer rehab, physio, and dietary guidance,2. Their expert team also selects and sells pet food and care products for your furry friends’ overall health.

We at Mars Veterinary are dedicated to exceptional pet health and well-being. We offer everything from check-ups to special treatments, using the latest in medical tech. Our experts focus on keeping pets free of pain and enjoying a healthy diet.2 We also educate pet owners through community events and online tips, helping them be better pet parents.2

Unlocking the Science of Pet Nutrition

The researchers at the Waltham Petcare Science Institute aim to boost pet health. They work closely with vets and data experts from Mars. This collaboration also includes top research teams globally. Together, they push the boundaries in pet nutrition. Their goal is to help pets live healthier, longer lives.3

Breakthrough Programs in Pet Nutrition

The shift towards natural food for pets is growing. The Waltham institute is at the forefront, exploring the benefits. They find things like fiber, enzymes, and prebiotics in plant sources. These aid in keeping pets’ digestive systems in top shape.3

All-natural foods are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These boost pets’ immune systems. Plus, ingredients like essential fatty acids improve skin and coat health. Omega-3 from plants helps with inflammation, perfect for pets with arthritis or allergies.

Choosing plant-based diets for pets can help the planet, too. It lessens pets’ impact on the environment. This is done by supporting eco-friendly farming and protecting biodiversity.3

Insights from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute

Mars’ big brand, ROYAL CANIN®, will be carbon neutral by 2025. They plan to certify their first product range in 2022. This move shows a strong commitment to sustainability in pet care. It’s all about using science and partnerships to shape a better future for pets.


Pet Health and Wellness Tips

Maintaining our pets’ health and wellness is key. We should focus on grooming, dental care, exercise, behavior training, and dealing with anxiety and old age. This way, our pets will do more than just survive—they’ll thrive.4

Grooming and Dental Care Guidance

Pets need regular grooming, and it varies by breed. If your pet has long hair, you’ll need to groom them more often to keep their coat in top shape.4 Taking care of their teeth is just as crucial to avoid dental issues like gum disease.

It’s recommended to brush your pet’s teeth 3 times a week. This simple act can do wonders for their oral health.5

Exercise and Behavior Training Advice

Exercise every day is a must for pets. It keeps them physically fit and boosts their overall well-being.6 It’s a great way to prevent health issues like obesity and heart problems.6 Plus, it’s fun and strengthens the bond between pets and their owners.6

Using positive training techniques is important. It lays the groundwork for solid pet-owner communication and trust.6

Pet Anxiety and Senior Care Management

Working with pet anxiety and caring for older pets is essential for their full well-being. Doing activities that challenge them mentally helps keep their minds sharp. This reduces boredom and stress, and can even improve their cognitive skills as they age.6

As pets get older, their needs change. Owners must adjust diet, exercise, and healthcare for their senior pets to ensure they thrive.45


Using these tips, pet owners can ensure their animals are happy and healthy throughout their lives.456

pet grooming

Embracing Sustainable Practices for a Better World

We’re making sustainability a core part of our work at Mars. This includes all aspects of our business. We aim to offer more green and innovative choices for pet owners everywhere. We want to better our environmental impact, act responsibly, and make sure pets can get what they need.

Reducing Environmental Pawprint

Moving to renewable energy, all our US vet hospitals will use green power from 2022. Our goal is for every Mars vet hospital worldwide to be powered by renewables by 2025. By 2029, the SHEBA® Hope Reef will have restored over 185,000 square meters of coral. Those are efforts worth more than 100 Olympic pools!7

Responsible Sourcing and Packaging

A study in PLOS One found animal-based pet food takes more from our planet. Dr. Waseem Firdaus thinks making pet food at home can help cut those costs. Use local ingredients to lower the carbon footprint of your pet’s food. Krapa Kartik, from Tails of Joy, highlights the importance of using eco-friendly grooming goods and dry grooming methods. Doing so will help your pet leave a smaller environmental mark.7 Cutting down on grooming and spreading out baths with regular brushing also reduces water waste.7

Expanding Access and Influencing Policy

The pet sector’s use of plastic is feeding a global crisis. Items like single-use poop bags and synthetic toys add to the problem. By composting pet waste and using earth-friendly poop bags, we can keep organic materials out of landfills. This keeps the soil rich. Sameera Satija calls on pet owners to push for green waste programs. This is important for a cleaner planet.

Harnessing Innovative Wearable Health Monitoring

The pet health industry is changing fast, thanks to smart collars, GPS trackers, and health monitors. These devices are now very popular among pet owners, vets, and researchers. They keep tabs on a pet’s activity, heart rate, sleep, and how stressed they are, helping everyone take better care of pets8.

These pet tech gadgets have gotten really small, thanks to new sensor technology. They can now gather lots of data, good news for your pet’s health. Plus, they use artificial intelligence to predict health issues early and help with smart decisions on care8.

Wearable tech is making a big difference in pet care. It changes how pets are watched over, making sure they stay healthy. With tools like CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and genetic tests, pet healthcare is getting a mega-boost from wearable tech8.


wearable health monitoring

Devices for pets track everything from how far they’ve walked to their sleep quality. They let us know how many calories they’ve burned, helping pet parents and vets plan better exercise and diet for them9.

These wearables can catch health problems early by keeping an eye on activity levels. Tracking lots of pets’ data can also help spot trends in inactive behavior. This info is key to making broader efforts for better pet health9.

They can even check vital signs like heart rate and body temperature. This helps find signs of sickness early. And with GPS in some devices, you can always know where your pet is. They keep pets safe from getting lost and alert you if they go outside safe areas9.

Now, pet tech is using IoT, like the human fitness market has. Products from companies like Whistle Health, Tailio by Pet Wireless, and PetPace are at the forefront. They offer in-depth health monitoring, behavior tips, and ways to interact with pets from afar10.

As six in 10 US families have a pet, the market is huge for these health solutions. It’s driving the need for smart pet products that last, with great processors and long battery life10.

Decoding Pet DNA for Personalized Healthcare

At Mars Petcare, we’re leading in using pet DNA to tailor healthcare for every pet’s unique needs. Teams at the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, along with veterinarians and data scientists, are pushing the field forward. By unraveling pets’ genetic codes, we help owners make smart choices for their pets11.

Embark, in our Mars Petcare family, offers pet DNA tests ranging from $109 to $159. People really love these tests because they give a detailed breed breakdown and health info for pets. Additionally, they estimate your dog’s age and birthday using DNA, adding a personal touch11. Embark also provides great customer support, making the testing process smooth and informative11.

The pet healthcare industry is changing fast, with more pet owners seeking personalized health solutions than ever12. Mars Petcare is ready for this challenge, using pet DNA to give owners the information they need. Our goal is a healthier, happier life for all pets.

Key Insights from Pet DNA Analysis Benefits for Pet Owners
Detailed breed breakdowns Understanding the unique genetic makeup of your pet
Comprehensive health insights Proactive management of potential health risks
Trait information Developing a deeper connection and understanding with your pet
Estimated calendar age and birthday Personalizing care and monitoring your pet’s life stage

We at Mars Petcare are dedicated to finding better ways to care for pets, investing in top-notch pet DNA research and healthcare solutions. This ensures pet owners have the best tools to keep their pets healthy and happy for many years.

Forging Industry Partnerships for Comprehensive Education

At Mars Petcare, our goal is to give pet pros the tools they need for top-notch pet health and wellness tips and pet care education. To do this, we’ve teamed up with key partners. This makes us a leading source for groundbreaking pet care training.

Collaborating with Leading Organizations


We join forces with the World Pet Association, backed by top groups in the industry, to offer the FetchFind platform. This platform is filled with the finest pet care lessons. Through alliances with major players, FetchFind helps pet pros in every area, from vet clinics to grooming spots, get better at what they do. It helps their teams become trusted guides for leading pet care brands.13

Centralizing Brand Education and Product Insights

Thanks to these key industry partnerships, we bring together top brand education and product info. This means pet pros get the latest and most complete info. It helps them better serve their clients and their pets. FetchFind teaches vital skills for career advancement. It turns them into advisors who can steer pet parents through the many pet health and wellness tips out there.13

industry partnerships

Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

At Mars Petcare, we’re proud of how diverse our teams are. We have over 100,000 driven people from more than 130 countries. These include experts in veterinary health, nutrition, innovation, and technology.14 As the US sees more minorities, who will be the majority by 2042,14 we work hard to create an inclusive culture. This culture mirrors the communities and animals we care for.

Celebrating Workforce Diversity

At Mars Petcare, diversity is a major asset. Our veterinary clinics and research labs benefit from a variety of viewpoints.14 The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at the US FDA values diversity. They see it as crucial for their high-performance culture.14

Promoting Equity and Inclusion

We aim for a world that’s fair and inclusive for both humans and pets.14 That’s why we’ve set bold goals for gender balance and inclusivity. We’re determined to achieve these targets.14 Our dedication to diversity and inclusion makes our work in global pet communities more effective. It also drives significant improvements in pet health and wellness.

From the AVMA Diversity Task Force’s work in the vet field14 to the CVM’s support for a model that aids employees,14 we lead in creating an inclusive atmosphere. This atmosphere values our uniqueness and enhances the skills of our team and care for pets.

Supporting Vulnerable Pets and Addressing Homelessness

At Mars Petcare, we see the big problem of pet homelessness. We’re working hard to understand and fight it. We’ve joined with experts from around the world. Together, we made the State of Pet Homelessness Project, the biggest study ever on this issue.15

The State of Pet Homelessness Project

Our goal is to learn how to better help pets in need. This study wants to find out the main causes of pet homelessness. Then, we aim to create new ways to stop this problem.15

Driving Informed Action and Ensuring Pet Care

We’re using the Project’s results to make a real difference. We work closely with shelters and rescues. Together, we follow the PACT framework, designed to help pets in tough situations.15

Also, we’re reaching out to homeless people and their pets. We work with groups like Feeding Pets of the Homeless. They help us provide important veterinary care and food. This way, we help those facing homelessness keep their pets healthy.16We’re focusing on both pets and their owners’ needs. Our aim is to make their bond stronger. We want every pet, no matter their situation, to feel loved and cared for.1617

Pioneering Research on the Human-Animal Bond

Mars Petcare is helping fund important studies. They aim to understand how pets boost our well-being. The University of Arizona has a top research team in this area. Dr. Maggie O’Haire leads with a wealth of experience. She has many published works, thousands of citations, and numerous awards.18 Dr. Evan MacLean from the Arizona Canine Cognition Center looks into animal thoughts. He studies the minds of dogs, exploring their behavior and intelligence.18

Understanding the Benefits of Pet Ownership

Loneliness has become a big issue globally. To address this, we’re working with key groups like the Human Animal Bond Research Institute and NIH. They aim to figure out how pets can help. Dr. O’Haire and her team got a grant from the NIH. They study how service animals help veterans with PTSD. They look at many factors, including mood, sleep, and stress levels. This study will also include how the animals themselves react.18

Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness

VCU’s School of Medicine is also leading research. They’re investigating if visits from therapy dogs can help lonely hospital patients. This study has NIH’s support. It’s a five-year project exploring the benefits of these visits. The results will guide health policies and support for therapy dogs and their training.18 The team’s goal is to enhance the experience for both patients and the therapy animals.18

human-animal bond

Purdue University Press is making a big impact too. They’ve started the New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond series. This series looks at different aspects of our relationships with pets. Dr. Maggie O’Haire and Dr. Alan Beck are at the forefront. They highlight the many health perks of owning a pet. Including lowering blood pressure, aiding heart attack recovery, and boosting moods. The series covers a wide range of topics. From the role of pets in fighting HIV to supporting conservation efforts and providing care in war zones.19

For more on this groundbreaking research, go to the Purdue University Press site.19 You can also get a 30% discount on these books using the code PURDUE30.19

Embracing Digital Innovation in Veterinary Care

At Mars Petcare, we lead in using digital innovation for better pet care. We blend top tech with our pet health approach. This way, we help vets and pet parents give the best care to each pet.

AI-Driven Disease Risk Prediction

Our vets and data experts at the Waltham Petcare Science Institute made AI that predicts kidney disease in cats. It spots the risk up to two years early.20 This lets vets start care sooner, boosting cats’ health and life quality.

Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Solutions

Our work isn’t only in predicting diseases. We also develop telehealth and remote monitoring tools. These make vet care easier for pet owners.20 Now, through the myVCA App, they get free Live Chat with vet techs anytime. This offers prompt help for their pets’ health issues.

Soon, we’ll debut a telemedicine service in multiple states. This move will spread our advanced vet care further.

We’re changing pet care’s future with digital changes. Our goal is to help vets and pet owners offer top care. For this, we invest in new tech and work hand in hand with partners on research. We’re on a mission to deliver unbeatable pet health advice. And we aim to lead tech innovation in the vet world. Our work is for a better future for pets and families.


At Mars Petcare, we aim to make the world better for pets. We provide pet health and wellness tips that start with top-notch vet care. We also offer advanced nutrition and innovative diagnostics. Plus, we work on sustainability initiatives. This helps pet lovers have what they need to help their pets live their best lives.21

We use science, data, and teamwork to change how we care for pets. Our goal is to set a new standard in pet care. This makes a positive impact for pets, their people, and the environment. Our focus on new ideas, prevention, and eco-friendly actions shows our strong commitment.2221

We’re always working to improve the health of pets. Our goal is to offer the best care and advice to pet owners. This includes creating custom nutrition plans and using the latest in diagnostic tools. Plus, we push for methods that are kind to the earth. Our work points to a coming era where pets thrive and grow to their full potential.2122


What are some of the most common but preventable pet health issues?

Many pets face dental problems and heartworm, which could be avoided. Getting your pet checked by a vet often can prevent these issues.

How is Mars Petcare integrating sustainability into its business?

In its plan for sustainability, Mars Petcare is making big changes. It’s moving to renewable energy at its hospitals and factories in the US. By 2025, they hope to power all their vet hospitals worldwide with renewable energy.

What is the Waltham Petcare Science Institute’s role in advancing pet healthcare?

The Waltham Petcare Science Institute is at the front of enhancing pet health. They’re creating technology that vets can use to find health risks early on. This way, pets can get better care faster.

How is Mars Petcare supporting research on the human-animal bond?

Mars Petcare works with top groups to research how pets affect our health. They’re funding a study in Virginia to see if dogs can make older adults in hospitals feel less alone.

What is the State of Pet Homelessness Project?

The State of Pet Homelessness Project aims to tackle the problem. Mars Petcare, along with global experts, is leading the largest study ever on pet homelessness. They want to use the findings to help pets find homes and care they need.

How is Mars Petcare embracing digital innovation in veterinary care?

Mars Petcare is at the forefront of digital vet care. They’re using AI to predict when cats might get sick. Additionally, they’re helping with telehealth so pet owners can always find a vet when they need one.

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