Business Law Services

At mlplaw, our aim is to provide outstanding business law services. Our skilled legal team is here to lift your business to new levels. We offer a complete range of top-notch services that fit the specific needs of both small and large businesses.

We cover everything from giving corporate legal advice to careful contract writing and ensuring you follow the rules without fail. Our mission is to help you navigate the complex legal world. This way, you can reach your goals with strength and confidence.1

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive suite of premium business law services
  • Expert corporate legal counsel for strategic guidance
  • Meticulous contract drafting and review
  • Unwavering regulatory compliance advisory
  • Commitment to empowering clients’ strategic objectives

Introducing Our Comprehensive Business Law Services

Our business law services are led by experienced corporate legal counsel. They give advice on forming businesses, their rules, and handling mergers and acquisitions. Our legal team listens to you. They make sure every step helps your business succeed in the long run.2

Contract Drafting and Review

Our service shines in contract drafting and review. Skilled lawyers carefully write, check, and discuss many types of deals. This includes everything from renting spaces to buying goods.3 We make contracts that protect you and spell out what you need to do. So, you can make deals feeling secure.

Regulatory Compliance Advisory

Staying on top of regulatory compliance is tough for any business. But with our help, it gets easier. Our team keeps an eye on the rules and standards that affect you.4 Working with us means your business avoids big fines or troubles with the law.


Mergers and Acquisitions: Seamless Transactions

Understanding mergers and acquisitions is challenging, but our expert team can help. We guide you from the start to finish, making sure your goals are met.5 We work closely with you to come up with a plan that gets you the best deal. This is true whether you’re buying a new business or setting up a partnership.5

At Alison Law Solicitors, we put you at the center of what we do. We tailor our services to meet your needs, no matter the industry.5 Our fees for checking out a deal are clear, meaning you can choose if to keep going without extra costs. This is part of our commitment to keeping your information private and safe.5

Our team has a history of pulling off successful deals in the mergers and acquisitions world. This shows we know how to meet your big-picture aims.5 We’re also skilled in working with clients who have a lot of money to spend on these transactions.5

At Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, we’re known worldwide for our work on mergers and acquisitions. This includes selling off parts of a business, dividing out companies, and teaming up with others.6 We’re a top choice in the U.S. for this by Chambers USA. Examples of our recent work are the joining of CalAtlantic Group with Lennar Corp for $9.3 billion and Abbott Laboratories buying St. Jude Medical for $30.7 billion.6

Dealing with takeover attempts is also something we’re good at. For instance, we helped Depomed, Inc. fight off a $3.3 billion buyout from Horizon Pharma.6 Plus, we’ve handled some of the biggest mergers, like Marriott International taking over Starwood for $13.6 billion. And helping sell Activision Blizzard for $8.2 billion.6

In special areas like SPACs, we’re active too. For example, we’re working on a deal to sell F45 Training to Crescent Acquisition for $746.7 million.6 We know all about IPOs, buying businesses, financing, and making sure everything runs smoothly afterwards. We’re good at helping companies looking to sell, advising on the finance side, and working with investors on these unique deals.6

mergers and acquisitions

Intellectual Property Law: Protecting Your Assets


In today’s world, protecting your ideas is key to your business’s future. Our experts in intellectual property law offer full services to protect what matters most to you.7

Trademark Registration

Our team specialized in trademarks can help you register and protect your brand. This makes sure your brand is safe from misuse.7 We know trademark law well, making it easier for you to register and keep your trademarks safe.7

Patent Applications

Guarding your new ideas is crucial. Our patent attorneys can craft and file patent applications. These protect your inventions and discoveries.8 Their combined tech knowledge and legal skills mean your patents are well set to protect your edge.8

Copyright Protection

Keeping your creative works safe is a top priority. Our experts in copyright law ensure your content is legally protected. This includes written work, software, and art.7 We have a strong history in registering and defending copyrights. This means your intellectual works are safe from misuse.7

Joining forces with our intellectual property team means your critical assets are with reliable professionals. We offer detailed services backed by extensive knowledge and successful experience in IP law. This is how we protect your creations, brands, and ideas in the ever-changing business world.7

Commercial Litigation: Resolving Disputes Effectively

Dealing with tough business fights might seem hard, but our expert team is ready to support you. We’ve solved many kinds of business arguments successfully, like breaking a contract, fights between owners, and disagreements over properties.9 Our team uses their deep knowledge of the law and great bargaining skills to reach helpful answers. We aim to keep your business safe, using other ways to solve problems or by going to court.10 You can trust our services to protect your rights and get good results when problems pop up.

commercial litigation


Our group has more than 40 years of experience in helping with business fights,10 and we’re proud to guide you through any legal issues and options clearly.10 We’re skilled in all kinds of business disagreements, from promises not kept to fights over buildings, problems with building, company collapse, fights between partners, and claims of professional mistakes.10 Plus, our group has been praised for excellence in fixing business disputes by respected guides like the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners.10

At Irwin Mitchell, you can call our Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution team at 0808 271 2602.9 They helped two UK company branches fight a legal battle against former workers and a rival, aiming for over $10 million, in the English High Court.9 The fight was about complex chip design, saying secrets were used without permission.9 Our team worked together with experts from the UK and the US, along with big names from two London law groups.9 After talking it out and finding a deal, they reached a settlement that was good for the clients.9 The Legal 500 liked their calm and smart way of handling fights. They’re known for their great, personal service in helping with business fights.9 Clients and legal groups like The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners agree that they are always ready to help, thorough, and great to talk to.9

Our typical cases are worth more than £250,000, usually starting from £1 million.10 We try to find solutions without going to court, cutting down on time and costs when we can.10 We make sure to answer clients’ questions fast and put them in touch with a partner right away if needed.10 We offer prices that fit different budgets, and our lawyers have won cases, even reaching the highest court, with great results.10 We have advised big companies, foreign banks, and small startups, both in the UK and worldwide.10 We make sure to have good payment plans, including deals where you don’t pay until you win, and work with financial backers.10Our team is ready to tackle any business dispute that comes your way, quickly getting to the bottom of it. Our lawyers have trained at top firms in the city, giving you the best advice.10

Employment Law: Navigating the Intricate Landscape

The world of work is always changing. Figuring out all the rules and laws can be hard for companies. Our team of experts is here to help. We give advice on everything about work laws. This includes making strong work contracts and creating clear rules for the workplace.11

Employment Contracts

Contracts like job offers, work agreements, and privacy deals are key. They keep problems small and set the right expectations in the law. Our employment law specialists team up with you. We make sure your work contracts fit your business perfectly. They protect what you care about while looking out for your workers.

Workplace Policies and Procedures

Making it clear how things should work at work is vital. We help you put together strong rules. These cover pay, benefits, how people are reviewed, and how to behave at work. These clear rules let everyone know what’s expected. They also help avoid problems so your company can grow in a good way.11

Dispute Resolution

Sometimes, people at work don’t get along. Our team is great at solving these problems. We can help work things out without going to court. We use our skills and experience to find answers that are good for your business and fair for your workers.11

Working with our experts means your business is safe and runs well. We’re here to give you the help and advice to deal with all the work law issues. With our support, you can focus on your goals without worrying about the law too much.

Business Law Services: Tailored to Your Needs

At mlplaw, we know every business faces unique challenges and dreams. So, we customize our legal services to fit your business perfectly. Our legal team learns about your business, your industry, and what you aim to achieve. This way, the advice and solutions we provide are exactly what you need. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or already a big company. Our services are here to help your business grow and succeed.


Our business law services cover a wide array of needs. We offer precise legal advice, detailed contract work, help with following the rules, and more.12 LawBite gives a 15-minute chat with a lawyer to spot legal problems. Their business lawyers have over 15 years of experience. LawBite also makes their legal advice for small businesses cost about 50% less than other law firms.12 We have a team of experts ready to understand what makes your business tick. Then, we tailor our services to your specific needs. This way, you get the right legal support for your business.

13 Mlplaw customizes legal services to meet different business goals. Our expertise includes Technology, IT, Software, and Digital, offering e-commerce legal advice and software licensing. We also handle Business Affairs, Succession Planning, Brand Protection, Outsourcing, and much more. Our specialized knowledge in these areas ensures we cover a wide range of business legal needs.

14 We offer business support starting at just £350 + VAT a month. This service includes HR support, dispute advice, compliance help, and legal training discounts.14 You’ll have your own expert lawyer who knows your business inside out. We offer fixed prices and plans designed specifically for you. This way, our services fit just right, making them easy to access for any business.

Business law services

Regulatory Affairs: Staying Compliant and Mitigating Risks

Keeping up with regulations and avoiding risks are key to your business’s success long-term. Our experts in regulatory affairs offer guidance through the maze of laws. We help you find and address compliance risks, set strong policies, and keep track of changes effectively.15 Working with us ensures your business stays within legal boundaries. This cuts down on fines, legal trouble, or harm to your reputation.16

Our services tailor to your business, creating plans that fit and keeping you agile. Whether it’s about making sure your investment funds follow the rules or handling checks from regulators, we’ve got your back.15 With a wide range of experiences, we work across multiple areas and with top regulators like the FCA and GMC, offering you detailed help.15

We’re committed to avoiding risks before they happen, at the heart of everything we do. Our knowledge of UK and EU regulatory frameworks helps us spot dangers early and develop smart solutions.16 We help you set up solid policies and systems to stay compliant and proactive. With us, you beat the game by always being a step ahead.16 This keeps your compliance strong and ready for future challenges.17

The business scene today pushes for ESG standards, making regulatory compliance even more critical.17 Our team is ready to guide you through the latest ESG rules, ensuring both compliance and a dedication to sustainability.17

Our work in regulatory affairs aims to make your journey through rules easier, leaving you more time to grow your business.15 Partnering with us means your compliance is in expert hands, focused on your success.16 Together, we aim to cut risks, boost your reputation, and help you grow sustainably in a changing regulatory world.17

Risk Management: Proactive Strategies for Success

Today’s world is always changing, so handling risks well is key to keeping your business on track. Our experts look ahead, finding and dealing with any dangers that might come your way.18

Risk Assessment

We start by checking out all the risks with a fine-tooth comb. This means we look deeply at what you do, what your industry’s like, and what’s going on in the world around you.19 We use smart tools and math to understand these risks better. This helps you figure out what to do and get ready to face any troubles head-on.19

Risk Mitigation Plans


After we know the risks, we come up with ways to cut down on them. Our plans are custom-made for you and could include things like buying insurance or making your day-to-day work safer.20 Being ready like this means you’re less likely to get thrown off course by unexpected bumps. It lets you keep your main focus on making your business grow.20

Crisis Management

If a crisis hits out of the blue, our team is here to help. We’ll give you the steps to follow that can make a big difference, lessening the blow to your business and name.20 Working with us means you can face risks with a steady heart, knowing we’re right there with you as your trusted guide.18

risk management

At mlplaw, we’re all about getting ahead of risks to help you meet your big goals. We use special tools and plans tailored just for you. Trust us to help you stay safe and reach for success, even in a tricky business world.19 Let us stand by your side, reducing risks and helping you hit your highest potential.20

Our Client-Centric Approach

At mlplaw, delivering top-notch client service is our top goal. We see each client as one-of-a-kind. This shows in how we work with you. Our legal experts give you personalized attention. They dive into what you need, your hurdles, and what you aim for.21

Personalized Attention

We keep communication open always. This means you’re kept in the loop, your views matter. Plus, we work closely with you. We’re like a partner, helping you reach your goals.2122

Transparent Communication

Putting you first is our core success secret. It’s why we stand out in the legal world.2122

Collaborative Partnerships

Your unique needs come first. With our tailored attention and teamwork, you’ll find working with mlplaw unbeatable.2122

client-centric approach


At mlplaw, we offer top-notch business law services to help clients meet their goals.23 We are known for our skill in corporate law and careful contract work. We also provide detailed compliance advice and help manage risks.

With our expert legal knowledge and new ideas, we push our clients to succeed in the business world.23 We’re here to help you understand the complex legal world and grow. This includes areas like intellectual property law and handling commercial disputes. We also work on mergers and employment issues.24

We focus on keeping your business up-to-date with rules and ready to face challenges.23 This lets you concentrate on running your business well and achieving lasting success. Our approach centers on you, giving personal support and working together to handle the changing business legal scene.23


What types of business law services do you offer?

At mlplaw, we cover a wide range of business law services for our clients. This includes corporate legal advice, creating and checking contracts, help with following regulations, and more. We also help with deals like mergers and acquisitions, protect your ideas and brands, handle legal disputes, and support with employee-related legal issues.

How do you ensure personalized attention for your clients?

We see each client as special at mlplaw. Our team pays close attention to your specific needs and goals. This personal touch means we can tailor our legal advice just for you.We keep communication clear and open. This way, you are always up to date and part of the decision-making process.

How do you help businesses navigate the complexities of mergers and acquisitions?

Mergers and acquisitions can be complex, but we’re here to guide you. Our team is highly experienced in all aspects of these transactions. We develop strategies that ensure deals are as valuable as possible for you, whether you’re buying or forming a partnership.

What services do you offer to protect my intellectual property?

Protecting your intellectual property is crucial, and our experts are ready to help. We offer a complete range of services. This includes registering trademarks, applying for patents, and copyright protection. With our help, your unique creations and brand remain safe from misuse or theft.

How do you help businesses stay compliant and mitigate risks?

Staying on top of laws and regulations can be a challenge. Our team’s mission is to make it easier for you. We work with you to understand what rules apply to your business. Then, we help you create strong policies and make sure you follow up with ongoing monitoring and reporting.

Can you assist with employment law matters?

Yes, tackling employment law challenges is one of our specialties. Our experts offer a comprehensive suite of services. This includes creating solid employment contracts and vital workplace policies. We’re also here for dispute resolutions, to help resolve workplace issues quickly and fairly.

How do you ensure your business law services are tailored to my specific needs?

We know every business faces unique challenges and has its own goals. This knowledge drives how we tailor our services. Our legal professionals take the time to learn about your business and what you aim to achieve. This ensures that our solutions are crafted just for you.

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