Experience Unmatched Estate Planning Quality with Our Premium, Luxurious Law Services

Law for Estate Planning

As an esteemed estate planning attorney, I provide unmatched expertise in law for estate planning. I ensure your assets are safe through detailed wills and trusts. My luxurious law services are for those who want top-notch estate planning.1

I offer a comprehensive approach covering wills, trusts, asset protection, and tax planning. This approach helps keep your family’s wealth and legacy secure for the future. I use the latest strategies and work with a team of advisors you can trust. Together, we craft a estate planning experience just for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Unparalleled expertise in estate planning law
  • Comprehensive approach to wills, trusts, asset protection, and tax planning
  • Tailored solutions to preserve family wealth and legacy
  • Collaborative team of trusted advisors for seamless experience
  • Premium, luxurious services for discerning clients

Navigating the Complexities of Estate Planning

Estate planning involves many steps, but I’m here to guide you through them all.2 Things like wills, trusts, and asset protection are part of it.2 I’m an expert in these areas and can make sure your plans go smoothly.

Wills and Trusts: Ensuring Your Legacy

Creating personalized wills and trusts is key to protecting what matters most.2 Important paperwork includes wills, living trusts, and health directives.2 I can show you how to set up a solid plan to keep your legacy alive.

Asset Protection Strategies for Safeguarding Your Wealth

I also look out for your wealth by using smart strategies.2 I use tools like Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs) to cut down on taxes.3

Tax Planning: Maximizing Your Estate’s Value


Reducing taxes is crucial for keeping more of your estate for your family.2 I craft tactics like asset gifting and charitable trusts to lower taxes more.3

With skills in all these areas, I get through the details with you. We’ll protect your legacy, safeguard your finances, and secure your family’s future.

Personalized Solutions for Your Family’s Needs

Every family is different, with unique needs and dreams. I work to meet those one-of-a-kind demands. My specialization lies in creating inheritance plans that fit your family perfectly, ensuring your wealth goes to your chosen heirs without problems. I also focus on families with special needs members, making sure they’re financially secure for a lifetime.4

Tailored Inheritance Planning for Seamless Transitions

I craft plans that smoothly pass your assets to your family. Creating a Trust-based Estate Plan averages 20 minutes, yet a Will-based plan only takes 15. By closely teaming up with you, I shape a plan that meets your every wish and avoids family conflicts.5

Special Needs Trusts: Securing a Brighter Future

Understanding the need for a secure future for those with special needs is crucial. I set up special needs trusts that guarantee your loved one’s care and well-being, even if you’re not there. They’re personalized to your family’s exact requirements, giving you peace about your dear one’s future.5

personalized estate planning

Law for Estate Planning: Our Unwavering Commitment

As an accomplished estate planning attorney, I’m here to offer top-notch legal expertise. Dealing with all sides of estate planning law is what I do best. My deep commitment to clients is what makes me stand out. I aim to make sure your wishes are respected and your family’s money is safe.6


The heart of my work understands how complex estate planning can be. Using my broad knowledge and experience, I create plans just for you. Plans that fit your exact needs and goals.6

But my work isn’t just about the start. I work hard to make our relationship last. I change your estate plan as your life changes.6

At Doyon & White Law Group, our attorneys are known for their skills and deep commitment to securing family legacies.6

Whether you want to protect your assets, lower taxes, or secure your loved ones’ future, I’m here to help.6

My legal expertise and commitment to clients shine through our firm’s success at Douglass & Runger, PLLC. Being named the 14th fastest-growing law firm in the U.S. in 2023 by Law Firm 500 proves our striving for excellence.7

Over three recent years, focusing on family law, probate, and estate planning has driven our growth. It’s made us better at serving you.7

In 2021, we made strategic changes to improve how we support our clients. This effort led to big growth for us.7


The success of Douglass & Runger, PLLC shows our team’s hard work and commitment to serving you. They always do their best for our clients.7

Empowering You with Knowledge and Expertise

I see the value in keeping you well-informed and engaged. I aim to give you all the facts on estate planning.8 You’ll get the insights and skills needed to make smart choices about your estate, thanks to my educational events and training.9

Estate Planning Seminars and Workshops

My seminars and workshops delve into how complex keeping your family’s assets and story safe can be.8 Joining these sessions will offer you smart legal and financial moves just for you.9

Ongoing Support and Guidance

Plus, I’m here to help long after our first meeting, making you sure and ready during the planning journey.8 Got any will updates, trust navigation, or protecting assets questions? I’ve got your back all through.9

A Collaborative Approach to Estate Planning

Working with a collaborative estate planning approach, I bring together a reliable team. This group includes financial planners, accountants, and legal experts. They ensure a well-thought-out plan for your estate.10 Using the knowledge of this diverse team, I offer strong and personalized solutions for your estate plan.11

Trusted Advisors for Every Aspect of Your Estate

I build a team of specialists that join forces for your estate plan. These trusted advisors are skilled in financial planning, tax strategies, and legal matters. They aim to make your estate plan top notch and in line with your dreams.11 Their combined skills let me provide you with a smooth and customized service to help secure your future.

Collaborative estate planning

This teamwork covers all bases of your estate, like reducing taxes and safeguarding your assets. It also helps keep your family bonds and legacy strong.12 By acting as a united front, we simplify the often complex estate planning process. This way, we can offer the perfect solutions to meet your goals.10

Elevating Your Estate Planning Experience

I aim to make your estate planning top-notch., I provide a white-glove service and concierge support for my clients.13 Once you enter my elegant, private office, expect unmatched care and attention. I promise a smooth and tailored journey for your estate planning needs.

White-Glove Service and Concierge Support

My team is fully dedicated to your estate planning needs. We offer a service that’s like having your own concierge.13 For what can be a tough and complex process, we’re here. We make sure each step meets your wishes with the finest care and detail.

Luxurious and Discreet Office Environment


Visit my office and find a calm, classy space that mirrors the top service I offer.14 Our setting respects your privacy, so you can freely talk about important matters.14 You’ll relax, knowing your estate planning is with a skilled expert who aims for the best outcomes.

Testimonials: Voices of Satisfied Clients

My clients’ testimonials show the impact of my services. They highlight my unparalleled expertise and compassion. They also talk about the seamless estate planning process. This process gives them peace of mind about their family’s future.15 These reviews prove my commitment to excellent service.

“Unparalleled Expertise and Compassion”

“From the very first meeting, it was clear that [Attorney Name] was unmatched in estate planning. Their compassionate approach truly made a difference. We were confident in their hands for our family’s future.” – LifeSpan™ Client since 200416

“Seamless Estate Planning Process”

“Working with [Attorney Name] on estate planning was smooth. Their professionalism, clear communication, and fast responses changed everything. We’re thankful for their top-notch service.” – LifeSpan™ Client since 201716

“Peace of Mind for My Family’s Future”

“[Attorney Name] gave us peace about our future. Their estate planning knowledge and care for our family were evident. We feel confident that our legacy is secure.” – LifeSpan™ Client since 200616

client testimonials

Our Commitment to Excellence

My estate planning practice puts commitment to excellence at its heart. I am dedicated to giving the best service possible. This effort has won me numerous accolades and industry awards through the years.17

Accolades and Industry Recognition

In 2020, Expertise named Robbins Estate Law among the Best Probate Attorneys in Austin.17 I have received the honor of being a Super Lawyers’ 2022 Texas Rising Stars Top List member. This recognition highlights my estate planning expertise and dedication to my clients.17

Furthermore, Leslie Thomas and Kristi Chaudhry, my colleagues, have stood out in their work. Leslie earned a spot as a top ten estate planning attorney in Texas by the American Institute of Legal Counsel. Kristi has a Board Certification in Estate Planning and Probate Law from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.17

Moreover, my partner Joel Norris is also a board certification in Estate Planning and Probate Law holder. His achievement showcases our firm’s extensive estate planning expertise.17

The awards and recognitions symbolize my unyielding drive to achieve outstanding outcomes for my clients. I continuously work to lead in the estate planning industry.17

Charitable Giving and Community Involvement

I focus on estate planning but also aim to help my community.18 With over 35 years working in this field, I want to give back. I support causes that make a real difference in people’s lives.18 Helping others is a key part of my work. I use my skills to bring about long-lasting, positive change.

Supporting Local Causes and Initiatives

Supporting local charities is a big part of what I do. It really changes lives in the community.19 Giving in your estate plan is a great way to keep supporting causes you care about. I help clients choose the best ways to give. This includes setting up trusts or naming charities in insurance policies. These strategies reflect what matters most to them and support important causes.


18 I join you in supporting what matters. Making your estate help others locally is a meaningful choice. Our team at the TrustBuilders Law Group is ready to assist you. We offer free advice on estate planning, charity giving, and more. Our goal is to ensure your giving makes a real difference.

18 We’re here to also ensure your loved ones are taken care of financially. By setting up your giving the right way, you can do both: provide an income and give to charities. We also guide on the rules, like the 5% minimum for private foundations.18 To find out how to include giving in your plan, get in touch with TrustBuilders Law Group at (757) 500-5135.

19 Giving in your estate plan can lower taxes for your heirs. Tax deductions might make a big difference. Plus, more people are seeking expert advice on this part of estate planning these days.19 As a result, the need for professional help in planning is growing. This is where financial advisors come in, helping people include charitable giving wisely in their wills.

charitable giving


As a seasoned estate planning attorney, I’ve spent over 35 years20 perfecting my craft. My goal is to offer unmatched service and luxury to my clients. With a detailed and tailored strategy, I make estate planning simple yet comprehensive.

I don’t work alone. A dedicated team and I are here to give you all the knowledge and help you need. We aim to ensure your family will be financially secure. This means covering everything from inheritance planning to protecting your assets. You can rest easy knowing your family’s future is in good hands.21

My offices in Toowoomba, Roma, and Warwick20 make my help accessible to many. The collaborative approach I take guarantees every detail of your estate plan is carefully managed. From family disputes to tax concerns, we cover it all to tailor the best solution for you.20


What services do you offer for estate planning?

I offer many estate planning services as an attorney. This includes making wills and trusts, protecting assets, and planning for taxes. I also help with ensuring your family’s future and taking care of loved ones with special needs. My work guarantees your wealth and legacy are safe.

How do you ensure a personalized approach to estate planning?

I know each family is different with their own needs and dreams. So, I listen carefully to what you want and need. Then, I craft strategies that are just for you. Whether it’s making sure your inheritance goes smoothly or setting up a trust, my help is all about what you need.

What makes your estate planning services premium and luxurious?

My services are all about giving you a top-notch, luxurious experience. Starting from our first meeting, where you enter my elegant office space. You’ll get the best of the best, like special care and advice from a team of experts. It’s about every detail being just right for you.

How do you ensure my estate plan is properly implemented and up-to-date?

I promise to be there all the time, ensuring your estate plan is right for you. We’ll check in regularly and keep you updated on any legal changes. As your life changes, we’ll update your plan. This way, your plan always matches your wishes and stays strong.

What makes your estate planning expertise and services unique?

What makes me special is my drive for excellence, plus my love for preserving families’ futures. I’ve won a lot of awards for what I do. But more than that, I like giving back to the community. I use my skills in estate planning to support good causes.

Source Links

  12. to Collaborative Estate Planning.pdf

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